"Terminal Crimper for Deutsch 14 16 and 18 Gauge Closed Barrel Terminal" in Laredo, Texas For Sale
Price: $28
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
SG Tool Aid xxxx0 SGTxxxx0 Terminal Crimper for Deutsch 14, 16 and 18 Gauge Closed Barrel Terminal
Features and Benefits:
Crimps Deutsch 14, 16 and 18 Gauge Closed Barrel Terminals that are on heavy duty vehicles, motorcycles, buses, Ag machinery, aeronautical and mining equipment
Additional use on hi-lift equipment, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes and race cars
Ratcheting action provides perfect crimp
E-Z to use just insert terminal and wire then squeeze to complete crimp
"Model: SGTxxxx0
Price: $28.59
Source: http://www.tooloutfitters.com/terminal-crimper-for-deutsch-14-16-and-18-gauge-closed-barrel-terminal.html